
Virological Overwiev of Monkeypox Virus

Monkeypox Virus: A Virological Overview The Mpox virus, formerly known as Monkeypox, is a zoonotic disease, meaning it is transmitted from animals to humans. It was first identified in 1958 in monkey colonies used for research, but the first human case was reported in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mpox belongs to the same viral family as smallpox (Poxviridae) and has gained attention in recent years due to its increasing spread worldwide. While the disease has origins in Africa, globalization and modern travel have transformed it into a global public health concern. Chronological Overview of Mpox Virus Symptoms The symptoms of the Mpox virus typically progress through two main phases: the Prodromal Phase and the Skin Lesions Phase. 1. Prodromal Phase (Early Stage) In the initial stage of the illness, flu-like symptoms are predominant: - Fever:  High fever (above 38.5°C) is usually the first symptom to appear. - Headache: Severe headaches are common. - Muscle and Back Pain:

T Cells Lymhopenia in SARS-CoV-2 Infections

  T Cells Lymhopenia in SARS-CoV-2 Infections   It’s important that role of T lymphocyts in immunology and pathology of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The dysregulation of the immune response in T lymphocytes is frequently observed (82.1%) in SARS-CoV-2 infection and this may help to increase of severe of COVID-19 symptoms. Especially including of ICU Covid patitents, a seriously decrease of the number of T & NK cells has been observed. It will be discussed in the future whether this decrease in the number of T and NK cells during COVID infections contributes to the pathogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 infection or whether the factors causing the pathogenicity are responsible for the decrease in these cell numbers. In HIV infections, the decrease of number of especially CD4 and NK cells has been observed but CD8 levels either remain normal or are slightly elevated than normal. In SARS-CoV-2 infections, both CD8, CD4 and NK cell levels showed serious decreases. These decreases were more s
                                                                          ASTROBİYOLOJİ GİRİŞ Güneş sistemimiz ve ötesindeki yakın gezegenlerde, uzayın kozmik radyasyonu ve gezegene düşerken oluşan sürtünme, basınç gibi faktörlere rağmen; bir zamanlar hayatta kalmayı başarabilmiş mikroorganizmaların mikro-fosilleri var mı? Bunun cevabını bulabilmek; insanlık olarak hedeflediğimiz önce yakın çapta, sonra da galaktik çapta Tip-1'den Tip-4 ve hatta Tip-5 ve üstünde var olması muhtemel medeniyetleri keşfetme arzumuz için hiç kuşkusuz büyük önem arz eder. Her ne kadar kıymetleri tam olarak anlaşılamasa da virüsler ve bakteriler bilinen hayat kavramının başlangıcı ve dahi devamlılığı için çok kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Dünya dışı yaşamların izlerini ve takibini yapmak ve bunları anlamak, dünyadaki yaşamın temellerini anlamaktan geçer.  Dünyadaki yaşamın temelini ve evrimini anlamaktaki anahtar nokta ise bakterileri, virüsleri yani mikrobiyolojik dünyanın evrimdeki rolünü bilmekten geçer.

New Era in Pandemic: Multiple variants at once

In the early stages of the pandemic, a few variants of concern easily gained an evolutionary advantage and spread easily around the world. When variants such as Alpha, Delta emerged, they easily spread around the world. One variant easily outperformed the other variant in a population and caused a new wave of Covid. However, Beta and Gamma variants could not spread to the whole world due to the faster transmission of the Alpha variant. The Alpha variant was destroyed by the Delta variant.   But after Omicron, the number of variants of concern started to increase. Most of these variants are very contagious; we are now watching the evolutionary race of different variants. BA.1.1, BA.2, BA.2.2, BA.2.8 and now BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5. BA.2.2 had a chance to spread in Hong Kong, BA.2 had a chance to spread in England, and BA.2.8 had a chance to spread in Scotland; and then serious waves were seen around here. For a variant to cause a surge in a population, it must first tak

Impending Danger: Long Covid

Covid-19 is not just a lung-damaging disease. Covid-19 damages many organs and systems.  We must take precaution against Covid-19 for humanity. The incidence of Long Covid in Covid cases is 40% for some symptoms, 30% for some symptoms, 20% etc. The world is facing a virus that leaves its Long Covid sequelae and most likely infects T-lymphocytes. The increased ACE2 affinity after the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, its ability to infect cells by endosomal way, show us the risk of increasing Long Covid cases. It has been 3-5 months since the Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 outbreaks. And at this point, Long Covid cases have increased a lot and caused a human tragedy. There are so many people suffering from Long Covid sequelae that the number of people who can work as an economic workforce is decreasing. The newly identified variants of concern BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5 are spreading rapidly all over the world. There may be new pandemic waves originating from these variants in the coming period. We m

Monkeypox Virus and Orthopox viruses

 Pox viruses are DNA viruses. Monkeypox virus is among the Orthopoxviruses that have the ability to infect humans, including the Variola virus. The virus contains a lipoprotein membrane on the outside. There are proteins on this membrane that play a role in virulence and entry into the cell. The genome of the virus consists of three regions. The genome center contains genes involved in viral replication. The terminal region of the genome is responsible for the virus host and inflammation. At the far end of the genome are the genes that join the DNA ends of the virus. Monkeypox virus is an old virus. The natural host of the Monkeypox virus is squirrels. The virus is transmitted to humans through animal contact, and there is human-to-human transmission. So far, only sporadic cases have been seen because of this. However, in recent days, the cases that seem to be independent of each other and that have appeared one after another in different countries, "Has the virus's ability to

Evolution of SARS-CoV-2, Course of Pandemic and Precautions

Omicron is the variant with the best S1-S2 cleavage ability by the human protease furin. The spike protein of the Omicron variant is in the open conformation. The spike protein of the original virus had almost completely closed and loose conformation. In the original virus, the S1-S2 regions on the spike are mixed and loosely connected to each other. Due to mutations, S1 subunits and neighboring S2 regions are more tightly packed together in Omicron. This is why Omicron's spike protein is stronger, more stable and capable of better ACE II affinity than previous variants.   In the evolutionary history of SARS-CoV-2, we have seen more infectious variants arise. Mutations such as D614G, N501Y have made the spike protein more open. This may result in more RBD regions being exposed and this may mean that the virus has better receptor binding and tends to be more contagious. More than 1 million variants of SARS-CoV-2 have emerged. However, since most of these contain mutation